Wedding details
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Wedding details
Pt. Bhatta has had opportunities to conduct many marriages where the bride and the bride-groom came from varied nationalities and backgrounds; they did not know or understand Sanskrit; the couple wanted a Hindu wedding that was not too long and expressed a desire to have an explanation of different rituals and vows that are integral to a Hindu Wedding. In an effort to address the needs of the younger generation of our Hindu Community, Pt. Bhatta and his wife Dr. Suchira Pande developed a format where Pt. Bhatta chants the mantras and guides the young couple to perform the wedding rituals, while Dr. Pande provides the relevant explanation in English.
Using this format the husband and wife team of Pt. Bhatta and Dr. Pande have helped conduct several weddings in VA, MD, and Washington DC. Pt. Bhatta has a license to officiate in weddings in all the above three jurisdictions. From the response and feedback provided by the bride and the groom; their parents; and assembled guests; it seems this novel format is amazingly appropriate to cater to the requirements of the niche audience described above. Everyone who witnessed these weddings was unanimously appreciative. Some expressed statements like
“this wedding ceremony is an unforgettable experience which we will all remember”.
703-867-1522 (Cell)