Ancient Vedic scriptures tell us that various Samskaras (starting from Conception and ending with last funeral rites) are required to refine and polish the soul of each being born in this human form. A soul tempered by all these various Samskaras enables that human body to reach its highest pinnacle. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each parent that they perform these Samskaras for their children.

To alleviate the miseries coming in ones life and to fulfill his righteous desires man has continually looked to Vedas for guidance and enlightenment. For e.g., king Dasharatha performed “Putrakameshti Yagna” (fire ceremony specifically prescribed by Vedas to seekers looking for male progeny) to have Shri Rama etc., as his sons. This is merely an example. Therefore prayers, (puja) Austerities, (vrata) Fire ceremonies (Homaas, Hawans) and other Samskaras when performed as prescribed by Vedic scriptures help human beings reach their ultimate goal in this human form. This is a declaration of Vedas.

In this context both Pandit Muralidhara Bhatta and his wife Dr. Suchira Pande born and raised in this unbroken Vedic tradition are introducing themselves to the entire humanity.

In the spirit espoused by Rig Vedic Sages, Pundit Muralidhara Bhatta, hopes this website would provide a forum for all spiritual seekers from the entire globe to connect with him. By getting to know the needs of people who contact him through this website, he could be instrumental in performing the appropriate Vedic Ritual in the Vedic tradition for the benefit and welfare of the seeker and entire humanity at large. If this website helps seekers interested in knowing more about ancient Hindu Rituals and experience the peace and serenity that comes from having such individualized ceremonies performed on their behalf, then the purpose of this site is served.

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